Monday, March 23, 2009

Welcome home, little ones

Current count: 88 eggs

The two newest additions came home today. Towards the end of the day a couple of second grade teachers brought them to me all boxed up and ready to go. The chicks did a home visit with me, accompanied me on a visit to a friend's new baby, and went to the gym. Needless to say, it was a full day for them.

We resurrected the dog crate that #1, #2, and #3 grew up in. It's a little weatherbeaten but certainly functional. The cedar chips are long gone, but I gave them some of the ever-present straw and set them up in the garage. I'm fairly certain that I've now given the straw an entry into the house....grrrr. It won't be long before I'm finding it in bed.

They're still split between fuzzy and feathered. Take a look:

This was taken shortly after we transferred them from the box to the crate. I was a little worried about them when I first got them home because of the extended ride home, but they seem to have bounced back from the trip. Last time I checked they were making the little happy chicken noises to each other.

1 comment:

  1. How cute!!! I added this link to my chickens on Tueday post.

    Hello from SpeedyCat Hollydale :-)
